It’s Turkey Time – Brine Away

It’s almost Thanksgiving time and that, inevitably, means Turkey.

As you begin to plan your Thanksgiving meal, here’s an idea for you – how about brining the turkey this year? It’ easy and the results are delicious.

To learn more, check out my cooking segment from Growing A Greener World from this past Saturday.

Gather round and grab your Lattes. A juicy turkey awaits you.

Huff Post Live TODAY on Prop 37


Join me today at 3:20pm PST for a discussion on Huffington Post Live about California’s Proposition 37 (the initiative to labeling genetically engineered foods).

Joining the discussion will be author, journalist and food activist Michael Pollan!

So, grab your Latte, pull up a chair and we’ll see you there…

Iceberg Lettuce. Merit or Meh?

Yesterday, I posted a question the following on my Facebook page and it caused quite a divisive discussion so I wanted to put it on the table for everyone to weigh in on.

“Topic: Iceberg Lettuce. Question: Why?”

With so many flavorful and nutrient rich greens out there (and when I say nutrient rich, I mean other than water), besides being a receptacle for bleu cheese in a wedge salad, I often wonder about the iceberg’s popularity.

Enlighten me, Latte.


Veggie Stock

Oh my Latte – it’s so EASY to make delicious vegetable (or chicken) stock.

From experience, a a potentially great soup can be ruined by those pre-made box stocks. I have yet to find a good one. With homemade stock you control what goes in and that means no coloring, sugar or high amounts of sodium. (Unless of course you want that? Green stock for St. Patricks day, anyone?! Huh? Okay, I digress…)

Ready for a fun and simple cooking adventure? Here we go. Open your refrigerator. Grab those old carrots, that limpy celery, some mushrooms, an onion, a little salt, whole peppercorns, and a handful of your drying out parsley and thyme. You know, the things that have inhabited your crisper drawer for weeks, those things that most of us would discard. Now, chop it up, throw it all in a pot, add water, set heat to low and voila – hours later you have perfect vegetable stock. See? Easy!

Soups, polenta, risotto, braising meats – all the things that come naturally with Autumn – deserve a flavorful stock… as do YOU.

I can just taste it all now.


Poor neglected vegetables – lookout – you’ve got some life in you yet.


My Spice Day!

Since my spice cabinet was running low, I put in a hefty order of spices from my freshest, most delicious spice connection, My Spice Sage, and lo and behold – it all arrived today.

Pardon me while I celebrate… Yipeeeee!

Now, when it comes to herbs and spices, I keep things pretty rustic. My go-to’s are cumin, fennel, red pepper flakes and fresh herbs, of course. That said, sometimes it feels good to stretch your wings and step out of your comfort zone. Explore. Some of the spices I am particularly excited about in this batch? Sumac, pomegranate powder, vanilla bean sea salt, ground thyme and agar agar. (It’s not my birthday, but it sure feels like it.)

Thank Latte the weather is cooling down here in L.A. because it’s gonna get hot in the kitchen. Let the cooking begin!

Thanksgiving Question

Pumpkins, gourds, turning leaves… Thanksgiving is almost here!

As I sip a Latte (double shot, not pumpkin spiced) and begin working on a Thanksgiving menu… I have a question for all of you Thanksgiving celebratin’ food loving friends of mine:

What does a traditional (classic) Thanksgiving meal consist of?

Big or small, lots of dishes or a just few – let me know your thoughts, experience, favorites…

Salmon Spawning!

In 1944, salmon were introduced into Lake Tahoe. Every year they make their way up one of the rivers to lay their eggs, fertilize them, and, well… meet their fateful end…

Super-sous and I happened to be in Lake Tahoe (for the South Lake Tahoe Food and Wine Event) during the time of the salmon spawning and on our way out of town, post Latte stop, we had time to check out this amazing site!